Dragon Carrot


Beautiful red-purple exterior with yellow-orange interior and light yellow core. Exceptionally sweet, almost spicy in flavor. particularly good source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, potassium, and antioxidants. Full sun. 75 days to maturity. 750 seeds.

Zones: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9

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  • Carrots require loose, well-drained soil with a suggested pH of 6.0-7.0. If container gardening, using a mix of peat moss or coco coir along with some sand will provide the best results. Like many people, carrots do not like obstacles, so make sure to remove any rocks or break up any hardened soil to avoid strangely shaped carrots.

    Sow from early spring to midsummer. Carrots like enjoy company, so sow seeds 1" apart and thin to 2 " apart or to your desired sized carrot.

    Keep soil moist, especially during germination, as delicate seeds have difficulty breaking through dry surface crust. Make sure to control weeds to ensure proper nutrition for your growing carrots.

    At least one month after planting, standard fertilizer may be applied. Mulch may be added lightly once established.

  • Harvest can begin as early as 10 weeks after planting for smaller carrots. Allow plant to continue growing for several more weeks to get larger carrots.

  • Plant continuously to ensure a continuous supply, sowing new seeds every three weeks or so.